In Particular, Nowhere...

The Mighty Nowhere! Last Thursday was another chance to get back over the Pennines, and a journey through landscapes that could easily melt your eyeballs with their beauty. Yes, it was time for the Holmfirth EMOM at Nowhere again! This time, Martin Christie started us off with a funky track played on a tiny box of tricks. If it wasn't called "Welcome to EMOM" I don't know what else it could be called. He also told us about setting up the first speculative EMOM a few years ago at Fuel Bar in Manchester and watching it grow like Topsy and become a global phenomenon. Very inspirational stuff. Martin and his box of tricks! So, next up was a man with quite literally a box of tricks. In this case, a cardboard box holding his kit. How Buildings Fail is a new name to me, and put me in mind of The Fall, or some of the spoken word events I've been to where Mark E. Smith has performed. Another box of tricks, this time a cardboard one, courtesy of How Buildings Fail....