"Free To Those Who Can Afford It..."

"...very expensive to those who can't." The art of learning, according to the highly influential book Management of Training Programs (published in 1960 and still referenced today), consists of four basic stages: unconscious incompetence ("Yeah, I'm musical - I've got loads of CDs. How difficult can playing the piano be?"), conscious incompetence ("It turns out that playing the piano is really hard!"), conscious competence ("Right, I can play Chopsticks , but I have to concentrate..."), and unconscious competence ("Yeah, I can play Chopsticks as fast as you like. Watch this!") Anyway, it as come to my attention (mainly listening to my early stuff on SoundCloud) that I could do with learning to mix properly, thereby progressing from what is clearly the lowest form of unconscious incompetence. To this end, a couple of months ago, I set about the task by abandoning everything I thought I knew and starting again from first pri...