Gigus Interuptus!

It was back to Stoke last week to Electric Tentacle at the Captain's Bar, the scene of our EMOM debut last December. This time, I'd managed to secure the offer of a lift from a curious old school friend, keen to find out what goes on at these things, and to hear the kind of racket Libby and I make. The Electric Tentacle, all set up and ready to rock... Now, I should point out that this friend of mine is something high up in the traffic department of Stockport Council, and had that weekend's Stockport County FC homecoming parade to plan for the following morning (meetings with the police, the organisers, business representatives, residents, etc, to plan which streets would be closed and when, how the traffic would be re-routed and to where, and so on. Basically a lot of organising, detail and faff to sort through) so he'd have to leave at 22:30 at the latest to get into work for 7am. Fine, it was only 7pm when we arrived. The gig was slow to begin, and a couple of act...