Rocking with Richard III

Truly a tiny desk concert!
Leicester is a long way from Darkest Cheshire, but when I realised Duffy's Bar, the venue for the June 2024 Leicester EMOM, is a dedicated rock venue, I was determined to make the trek over the Pennines, through the Trent Valley and onwards to Richard III's resting place. Why? Well, rock venues tend to have meaty PAs and dedicated sound engineers, and our sound is undeniably heavy. 

Marjorie the Satnav was, as usual, right in her prediction that the journey would take exactly 2 hours and 2 minutes in the late Sunday afternoon sunshine (seemingly the last of the summer!), and after a slight panic when the NCP car park entry robot wouldn't read the QR code for my booking (tip, try the second robot), and a slight scamper through the city centre to get there, we entered the venue. It reminded me of the Old Bear's Head I used to frequent in my youth, and made famous in songs by The Macc Lads.

Of course, with a 2-hour commute each way and a 6:30 start the following day, it would have to be a flying visit, but I was determined to stay as long as possible and see as many acts as I could. As soon as I saw running order, I realised that yet again I would be joined by familiar faces.

Up first was Me Am Mad Cat, a firm favourite on the circuit, with his smooth continuous blend of driving hard beats that builds and builds. Very danceable stuff. I'd love to see a proper lay audience react to his stuff.

Me Am Mad Cat doing the business!

We were next, and the PA (and indeed the sound engineer) didn't disappoint. The sound was crisp, clear, with a well-defined low end, and highs kept very well balanced. For once, we could play for 20 minutes, meaning five songs in all. I didn't play a single bum note! Interestingly, nothing at all went wrong for the whole set. It was only when I was on the way home that I realised it was actually our thirteenth gig. Lucky for some, eh?

Rattling some windows through that glorious PA.


I've said before that Analogue Electronic Whatever gives me very strong and cool Fad Gadget vibes, and these were on display with his set tonight. Big, bouncy beats with a message of inclusivity, all wrapped up with his current single "Bins".

Analogue Electronic Whatever being effortlessly cool.

Next up was our hosts, the curiously named Aprill33. This is an especially interesting one in EMOM terms because they use live bass and electric guitar, along with keytar, laptop and drum machine. Amongst other influences, I got Sisters of Mercy circa Floodland from their sound. Loud, heavy, driving and doom-laden, just the way I like it! 

Our hosts, April33, delivering their unique blend of dark electro rock.

Alas, it was already time to trek back along the A50 and into the gathering sunset, but this is one venue I definitely intend to play again. Four hours travelling may be a long time to play for free for 20 minutes, but maybe I'm slightly crazed. Maybe we all are. Hard to tell, but what I can tell you is that this is all VERY good fun, and the views over the Cheshire plain as you descend the Pennines at dusk are breathtaking! 

Next time, Holmfirth!


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