Politest Stage Invasion EVER!


As I wrote in the last entry about NIAMOS, Hulme, like the rest of Manchester, is in a constant state of renewal. Hulme isn't "Hulme" any more. It is filled with culture, and an involved community. Gone are the dreaded "Crescents", replaced by smart housing association properties with gardens. There's even a bike hire stand! All that SpaceNoodlr needs now is support from the EMOM community to come down and make a night of it, because it really is a good night. The space is BIG, the PA is loud and robust - you literally can't hurt it - and the people are always welcoming and learning as they go. It just needs more people playing in that big space.

Last week, we were treated to truly diverse sounds, not least of which was LIEI and her melifluous integration of Theramin and Japanese-inspired music. Great to chill to, with a gorgeous Moog Theramin looking like it was straight out of The Jetsons! Take a listen, and also look at that stage. When else are you going to get the opportunity to play on a stage that big?

Mythical Brewery had some technical difficulties in July with the guitar pedals, and so returned to finish what they'd started. A highly rhythmic, almost tribal sound that got into the heads of several members of the audience.

Mike Does Music was up next, with a HUGE sound. An Expressive E Osmose keyboard forms the central plank of his sound and boy what a sound. We were treated to a newly composed piece, with huge, wide Vangelis-inspired textures, thundering brass, and massive, massive chords. Very impressive and emotional stuff.

We were next, and for once had the added attraction of interpretive dance as we belted them out. I think his name is Patrice. His dancing was certainly a feature of the evening!

Following us was the mighty Analogue Electronic Whatever with his infectious, bouncy beats and social comment. He's always a solid crowd-pleaser and I look forward to gigging with him many more times in the future.

And finally, bringing the evening to a mellow end was our host, AfroLektronik. I was at the bar in the back of the room as he set up, and I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder by an older Afrocarribean gentleman. In Patois, he asked me what's going on upon the stage. I explained it's an evening of live electronic music. He observed for a while and asked how the act setting up expected to make any sound from such a tiny box:

AfroLektronik's tiny Akai MPC One, the subject of some speculation by one audience member.

I assured him it was possible, but he was not convinced! What followed has to be the politest stage invasion ever, as the gentleman in question tried to see how the trick was done.


Bringing it home with a mellow finish and social comment...

There's also a jam session after the acts, in which anyone who feels so inclined it can set up again and join in. This is why there are three big tables. I didn't stay for the jam, but thanks as always go to Ronny the sound by bobbing about and solving problems and generally taking care of business. 

So, the stage it yours. Sign up, get down there and fill that big space with your truth. There's 24 hour parking right outside the venue, and a huge car park 300 yards south at the Hulme Retail Park. The first two hours are free.


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