
Showing posts from December, 2024

Looking Backwards And Forwards...

What did your 2024 look like? After an initial gig in a freezing Stoke-on-Trent at Electric Tentacle in December 2023, our 2024 saw us play 32 gigs, travel over 1,200 miles, visit 14 towns and cities, endure 1 onstage disaster, avoid several more, have untold laughs, and form lasting friendships that will endure for years. If it hadn't been for contracting covid in late October, I'm sure we could have hit 40 gigs this year because they're so much fun to do. This nasty little bug was a walk in the park when I contracted it a year earlier, but now it was like a completely different virus. I was in bed shivering and gasping for breath for a week, couldn't swallow, had a painful lymph node under my jaw, spent weeks in the mental "covid fog", fought for breath just walking upstairs, and ten weeks later still can't smell properly. It was most definitely NOT a walk in the park or anywhere else this time, despite what naysayers might claim. Anyway, the year also s...

Spacenoodle Is Back!

  Right in the heart of Chorlton's wealthy and bustling Wilbram Road, Dulcimer Bar is a trendy drinkery with an eccelectic cliantele and, more importantly, a fully equipped venue upstairs complete with bar and all the sound gear an EMOM night could want, including a selection of active DI boxes.  Yes, after a short hiatus to find a new venue, Spacenoodle is back! A short walk from the excellent Totally Wired night at The Lloyds (which returns early in 2025 when the new upstairs venue is finished), these two nights will perfectly bookend the main strip through Chorlton. This was a slightly subdued, almost soft relaunch to the mighty nights that used to happen at the cavernous NIAMOS Centre in Hulme. The inestimable Heaton Norris Light Vessel Automatic had to pull out at the last momennt so there were only three of us to grace the stage that night. This was a pity, because his sound is sublime and deeply emotional. First up was Mythical Brewery, delivering their trademark semi-i...