Hymns in Lancashire...


Hymns For Robots is a revered EMOM-style night that everyone in the community seems to have heard of. Curated, so not quite a pure EMOM, the night is currently into its third year according to my calculations (though I may be wrong), and we were lucky enough to get a slot at HfR #40. There were only four acts this night, and each of us had a 25-minute slot to really show what we can do. So, up the M60, M61, and M6 for a couple of hours we went, and by twilight we were pulling into the car park opposite the venue for what would be gig number 25 on this strange musical odyssey of ours.

First up was the curiously named GnomeFoam, complete with an excellent Ernie (or is it Bert?) raving hat. Good vibes, breakbeats and DnB were very much in evidence. He did mention to me before he went on that he sometimes gets nervous, but I think he has a great act and the audience loved it. No need for nerves when you get that kind of reaction!


Next up, we had Sylvia And I. This was a beguiling, ambient set consisting of violin, two brass instruments (I think a trumpet and a cornet, but I'm no expert), and a nest of effects and looper pedals. The overall soundscape was something that had everyone captivated, especially when Sylvia switched from violin to a spoke on a bicycle wheel.


The third of the four acts this evening was Afternaut, with a banging progressive trance set and some VERY accomplished visuals that gave us both a treat for the ears and for the eyes. He's a sound designer in the games industry by day, and the quality of his graphics really hints at that background.

And finally, it was time for Libby and I to take to the stage. I was going to film it, but instead of pressing record, I took a picture of my thumb retreating from the camera. However, the wonderful Subordinate Clause captured some footage, and what a thunderous sound it was...

So, gig gigged, it was time to wend our way back to Darkest Cheshire...
Next time, we travel to North Wales, scene of the infamous laptop power incident in May. Will we come through unscathed this time, or are there still glitches I haven't thought of?


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